What is a Resilient Mountain Solution?
The Resilient Mountain Solutions combine social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development with climate change adaptation, resilience and preparedness for future risks. The solutions aim at equipping people in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region with simple and affordable technologies and the knowledge required to build long-term resilience. Each solution has been developed over several years, in close relation with local communities, partner organizations and experts, and with the support of governing institutions and decision makers.
The solutions are nature based and forward looking. They are based on local and scientific knowledge and have been tested successfully in different locations in the HKH region. Their focus is on increasing gender equality, economic sustainability, water and food security, livelihood diversification, and disaster risk reduction, all of which can support mountain communities to be truly resilient to environmental changes.

Read more about the solutions in the book “Resilient Mountain Solutions: Ten local solutions for global impact” which provides details of the solutions and features important information on up-scaling and out-scaling them.
You can download the book at GRID-Arendal’s website or at ICIMOD’s HimalDoc library.